He Accidentally Left A Window Open And When He Came Back, He Discovered THIS

♠ Posted by Unknown in , at 6:30 PM
Summer is almost here, and with it comes the string of long-awaited summer house vacations. Of course, not all of us are lucky enough to have a summer home, or even to know someone who does, but we can dream, right?
Well, all of that fun can evaporate quickly if the house isn't properly locked up at the end of the season. Which is, funnily enough, exactly what happened to Redditor resalles' summer home. Someone using the house forgot to close the bathroom window for three months.
This was the result...

Pigeons decided to take full advantage of the open window to nest.

In case you're not aware, pigeons can be messy creatures.

Some of the invading pigeons decided that a vacant summer house would be a good place to raise a family.

At least they tried to use the toilet...

(source: Reddit)
I feel really bad for whoever ended up having to clean that bathroom, and something tells me that it wasn't easy. Let this be a lesson in always double and triple checking the windows on your house if you're not going to be around for a while...because pigeons evidently make terrible roommates.


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