What They Discovered Hiding In A Warehouse Is Straight From A Horror Movie

♠ Posted by Unknown in ,, at 5:54 PM
In downtown Hollywood, California, there's a warehouse full of human bodies. Well...at least they're supposed to look like human bodies. If you can get past the doorway without fleeing in terror, you'll see that these are actually fake bodies used for Hollywood productions.
Still, that doesn't make them any less creepy. Actually, I think it somehow makes them even creepier...

A few months ago, Reddit user bfilmmaker posted a few pictures of the "body" warehouse on the site.

Turns out, bfilmmaker works for the prop house in Los Angeles that owns the warehouse.

Those eyes...so terrifying.

Just waiting for this one to wake up.

The one in the back is looking right at the camera.

This creepy George Clooney look-alike is getting a little too close for comfort...

And so is this guy.

I think this one is supposed to be a child.

He looks angry. Very angry.

(source: Reddit)
I have to give bfilmmaker credit for actually continuing to work at this place despite the abundance of creepy fake bodies. I guess I could handle it, too, but I'd live in constant fear of the lights going out and the bodies coming to get me.


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