Celebrate National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day With 35 Adorably Wrinkled Pooches

♠ Posted by Unknown in ,,,,,, at 9:50 PM
Bulldogs: they come in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and personalities. From the miniature and spritely French Bulldog, to the classic, sturdy English Bulldog, all the way to their taller American cousin...no two are the same. But one defining characteristic is consistent; they are utterly gorgeous! That's why there's a whole day dedicated to the beauty of the Bulldog.
Lucky for you, today is National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day! We're celebrating with 35 of the most handsome, dapper, and flawless pooches out there. Believe me, it was tough to make the cut given how stunning each and every one is...but someone had to make the decision!

1. Baywatch? More like Bullwatch...

2. He's perfected this pose in the mirror.

3. ...You've definitely practiced this.

4. American Bulldogs are just as cute!

5. ...I mean, just look at this pair.

6. If only I was this cute when I slept.

7. So glamorous.

8. Don't listen to the haters, that underbite is the best.

9. This lighting is prime for this beautiful, wrinkly face.

10. 100% bikini ready!

11. "I need my coffee before you go taking candids of me, Frank."

12. The French aren't particularly known for soccer, but this Frenchie sure looks good with a ball.

13. "Well are you gonna paint me, or what?"

14. You can nap with my literally any time of day.

15. A true style icon.

16. That's the smile I love so much!

17. A double dose of handsome.

18. I can't decide which eye I want to stare into for hours.

19. It's like he descended from the heavens and into my heart.

20. How does he not tip over from that giant cranium?

21. I can't wait 'til you get your wrinkles.

22. He really knows how to stop and smell the roses.

23. Well hello, you beautifully squishy lump of mush.

24. You deserve this treat, pup.

25. Just...stunning.

26. "Take my picture! I look cute today!"

27. Your eyes are like shining pieces of mahogany.

28. "Come onnnn, I get self-conscious when I chew on sticks in front of people!"

29. "Mom, when are you gonna let me borrow your shoes?"

30. No makeup needed.

31. Pocket-sized perfection.

32. "How can I help you?" -Professor Bulldog

33. Living in the lap of luxury.

34. Aww, did all that adorableness tire you out?

35. "Naw, I'm ready to roll!"

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I can't imagine that anyone could deny the majesty of these Bulldogs! How are you going to celebrate this highly important holiday this year? Might I suggest giving the next Bulldog you spot a giant hug, or just playing with all of that extra skin on their face? I'm sure they just LOVE that...


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