What People In Japan Are Purposely Doing To Their Bodies Is Absolutely Nuts

♠ Posted by Unknown in , at 5:20 AM
One of the most important things to know about extreme body modification is that many procedures are notoriously difficult or downright impossible to reverse. Once you make these modifications, there is no turning back. This fact makes one of the latest trends in extreme body modifications all the more interesting. This new body modification fad is called "bageling," or "bagel head," and it looks like this:

Kind of freaky, right?

The bagel head look is achieved by injecting 300 to 400 cc of medical-grade saline directly into the mid-forehead of a person. The injected saline is then molded to look like a bagel or a donut, hence the name.

The injection process takes about two hours to complete, and the resulting look lasts up to 24 hours before the saline is absorbed by the body.

Canadian body modification artist Jerome Abramovitch pioneered the procedure in his native country before it found a home in Japan, where it has become quite popular.

Unlike many extreme body modification procedures, the bagel head procedure is temporary and carries little risk.

Typically, the "bagel" created by the saline is adsorbed by the body within 24 hours after the procedure. Saline is harmless to the human body. However, the use of non-medical grade saline does carry a risk of extreme dehydration.
(source Reddit)
To say that this trend is shocking would be a bit of an understatement. Still, it actually looks pretty cool, and at least it's only a temporary procedure. I'm not sure how happy those people would be if they had to walk around with a bagel on the forehead for the rest of their lives.


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