The 21 Creepiest Wikipedia Pages You Can Read Online Right Now

♠ Posted by Unknown in ,,, at 6:29 PM
Although sometimes criticized as full of "truths, half truths, and some falsehoods", the fact is, Wikipedia is the world's most efficient source for information. Not only is it a lot easier to fit in an apartment than a 32-book set of encyclopedias, it also has a lot of creepy stuff that don't appear in your Britannica.
Here are some of the creepiest Wikipedia articles that were ever created. It doesn't matter if they are truths, half truths, or even falsehoods...all of them are unsettling.

1. Premature Burial.

This is pretty self-explanatory (it's about being buried alive). It's pretty creepy once you realize how often this used to happen.

2. Tarrare.

This French soldier lived in the 18th century. He could consume the same amount as 15 men in one sitting. He is also the guy I try to channel every time I'm challenged by the all-you-can-eat pizza buffet at Cici's.

3. Scaphism.

Scaphism is an inspired form of torture. A victim is floated out onto a river, nestled between two boats, and covered in milk and honey. Basically, insects and birds would feast on their flesh as they were left powerless.

4. Shadow Person.

Every culture around the world has some version of a "shadow person" in their mythology. In some form or other, these visitors in the night are apparently a universal fear.

5. Pope Lick Monster.

This monster is part man, part goat, and part sheep. Its home is supposedly under a bridge (as a goat-man-sheep is wont to do) in Kentucky. The Wikipedia page claims he uses hypnosis to lull his victims to their doom.

6. The Hinterkaifeck Murders.

Strange sounds in the attic eventually led to the slaughter of an entire family in this farmhouse. This strange murder from Germany occurred nearly one hundred years ago. It has yet to be solved.

7. The Flatwoods Monster.

Three West Virginia boys saw something fall from the sky. The followed its movements and they eventually came across a strange entity surrounded by an unearthly mist. Alien? Paranormal? Whatever it was, it left the boys vomiting for some time, as if they were sprayed by mustard gas.

8. Coffin Birth.

The occurrence of dead pregnant women giving birth to non-viable fetuses is so rare that it is rarely mentioned in medical journals. Fortunately, there is Wikipedia!

9. Locked-in Syndrome.

This condition causes the victim to be completely aware of where they are and their surroundings, but have no way to communicate except for through the eyes.

10. Cotard Delusion.

This is a rare delusion in which the sufferer believes he or she is dead (or does not actually exist). New Yorkers call this "riding the subway."

11. Euthanasia Coaster.

For some reason, a man with a PhD decided to create a roller coaster that was designed to kill every one of its passengers. I feel you don't need to be a professor to design this, right? Just start designing a roller coaster and never finish it!

12. UFO Sightings.

This is a comprehensive list of every UFO sighting from every time period. Basically, it's a study guide for any serious Ancient Alien fan.

13. Rat King.

I know when you read "rat king," you are probably imagining a rat with an adorable little crown and scepter. Actually, though, a rat king is what happens when a bunch of rats have a rave and get their tails knotted up together so they have to live the rest of their lives as this disgusting, hydra-like being. (P.S., this probably never happens.)

14. The Dyatlov Pass Incident.

Nine hikers exploring the Dyatlov Pass in Russia all mysteriously died in 1959. The bodies were found far from their camp, some with their clothes removed. Some believe the were paranormal factors at play.

15. Black Eyed Children.

These children with distinctly colored eyes will eat you whole if you happen to invite them into your home or vehicle. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strange children?

16. The Taman Shud Case.

In 1948, a body of a man washed up on the shores of Australia. To this day, nobody knows who this man was or where he even came from. The only clue found was in his pocket—a written message that said "taman shud", which means "finished" in Persian.

17. Benjaman Kyle.

Speaking of mysterious men, Benjaman Kyle was a Georgian man found in 2004. He has no family nor is there any way to identify who he is. As Wikipedia puts it, "he is the only American citizen officially missing despite his whereabouts being known." How did that even happen?

18. Clinton Road.

This road features a brilliant combination of numerous tales of the paranormal...and also the longest traffic light wait in America. Seems chill.

19. Joyce Vincent.

In 2001, she quit her job. In 2002, she stopped talking to friends and family. In 2006, she was found dead in her apartment with the TV still left on. In 2015, you're reading this and you're like "Waaahh?"

20. June And Jennifer Gibbons.

Somehow out-creeping Escape to Witch Mountain, the Gibbons twins were so close that they developed their own special language that only the two of them could understand. They eventually decided that they were so close that only one of them could live. A sacrifice was made.

21. UVB-76.

This radio frequency transmits pointless monotonous tones all day long, with random spurts of what sound like Russian voices speaking. What are these secret codes? Nobody knows for sure.
We recommend not reading all of these pages in one sitting, or else you'll go down a Wikipedia hole that may never end. In the English Wikipedia alone, there are 4.8 million articles, so if we missed anything creepy, let us know in the comments!


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