Anunnaki: Correlation Between the Sumerian God and the God of the Old Testament

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The only certainty we have in our lives is that we know nothing. Kind of ironic, don’t you think? We have just recently started to learn about our world and our history, yet our understanding is extremely restricted and incomplete.

One of the most puzzling aspects of our existence is the source of all life, the beginning point that led to the creations of this world and the diverse life it hosts. 

Throughout history, many different religions have sprung up trying to explain the meaning of life, creating a system of morality, leading to the dogmatic nature of our belief system.

There was a time when creationist theories were dominant. Although, there have been many different versions and interpretations explaining divinity and creationism, all pretty much conformed to similar foundations.

Anunnaki: Correlation Between the Sumerian God and the God of the Old Testament

For example, the Abrahamic religions all conform to similar beliefs with slight variations, yet all claiming to be authentic, while disproving the same foundational beliefs they are built upon. 

Now creationist theories have lost their luster, and evolutionist theories are gaining more credibility. But even the modern scientific theories fail to adequately explain the missing link between our leap from homo-erectus to homo-sapiens.

Today, we have various alternative theories that attempt to explain humanity’s evolution. 

The Sumerian Cuneiform tablets discovered in the 17th century provide an alternative understanding. A lot of these alternative narratives were slow to enter mainstream knowledge and thought. The main reason why certain knowledge that contradicted biblical accounts was slow to surface was due to the absolute control exerted by the Church in earlier times.

Since the Roman Catholic Church had great influence over the civilized world, they would only allow archaeological expeditions that helped perpetuate their own narrative, the narrative dictated by the canonical Bible.

The Hidden Truth

The God that the Old Testament talks about, Yahweh, is the same God or deity worshiped by the people of the Ancient Sumerian city of Ur, who was known as Enlil. 

Proof of Enlil and his divine relatives can be found in the various temples from Assur to Nineveh to Ur. Enlil’s brother Enki, along with his children Innana and Nannar also had temples dedicated to them in various prominent trade and cultural centers. These higher beings are known as the Anunnaki. 

The Genesis mentions them both, Enlil and Enki, along with some prehistoric tablets. These accounts dictate that these beings were involved in genetic engineering to produce workers, the Homo sapiens.

We also have historical records of a document, dating around 5,000 years ago, that provides a rather vivid account of the creation of human beings through genetic engineering.

This also helps explain the story of Noah, who according to historical accounts, was around 600 years old at the time of the flood that nearly destroyed the world.

The Bible tells us that Noah was the son of a divine being. What if this divine being was an extra-terrestrial entity – an assumption that would explain the abnormally long lifespan Noah enjoyed?

According to Mantheo, an Egyptian historian and priest, the first dynastic rulers and Egyptian gods ruled the region for about 12,300 years. 

Interestingly, Sumerian texts dictate that Enki was assigned as the ruler of Egypt and Africa by Anu, his father, around 3760 BCE, the same time as the Jewish calendar starts, which also has its roots in Nippur, a Sumerian city.

According to the Sumerian culture, all aspects of their civilization were taught to them by their “Gods.” This makes sense considering their unusually detailed and accurate knowledge of Earth’s orbital plane, spherical shape, tilted axis, and the construction of the Zodiac. 

However, in Middle-Age Europe, a period considered by historians to have been far more modern and scientifically advanced in comparison to the Sumerian civilization, scientists believed the Earth to be flat, whereas, Sumerians possessed advanced knowledge of mathematics, law codes, metallurgy, astronomy, had one of the most advanced alphabets and produced many inventions. Our history is clearly wrong.

All this evidence forces us to think about all of what we have been taught so far, shattering all of our beliefs and causing severe dissonance. 

However, once a person is over the initial phase and simply examines the conflicting information regarding the prevailing beliefs, they acquire more clarity, as old misconceptions and fallacies are left redundant. 

Without our beliefs clouding our view of the world and all of the evidence pointing towards an alternative truth, we are forced to look at history all over again and discover the influence of the Anunnaki.

History is wrong

All of the evidence that we have, correlates the Sumerian god with the God of the Old Testament. For example, Enlil, the Sumerian God of Storm highly resembles the Wrathful and vengeful God in the Old Testament.

The primary reason for this information not being part of the mainstream is due to the influence exerted by the dominant ruling powers or superpower on our mainstream culture. 

Consequently, those who have ever ventured away from the mainstream religious teachings, have been considered as deviants and labeled with derogatory terms such as occultists or pagans. This results in the rejection of new ideas by the mainstream society and the polarization prevents people from seeking or advocating for the truth.

The perfect example of the ruling party narrating their version of truth is present not only in our history but also in present time. 

Let’s examine the cradle of civilization, the Middle East, where all three dominant religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, were born. 

Since the Middle Ages, these three religious factions have been involved in a perpetual war in the same region as the ancient land of Canaan. All of these religious factions originate from Sumer. 

The devotees of Yahweh or, originally, Enlil, still find themselves in conflict with the followers of Enki. The current conflicts in Israel, Iraq, Iran, Syria and other surrounding countries seem to be linked with the past wars that took place in the same region between the Gods, Enlil and Enki and their respective offsprings.

In other words, the violent conflicts that we are witnessing today, are the same, never ending, wars for supremacy of the Anunnaki.

According to leading Sumerologists, the term Anunnaki is interpreted as “those who descended from the heaven to earth.” An important point to note is the word heaven, which is used to refer to the planet of origin for the Anunnaki.

Their home planet was called Nibiru, which is explained in the book, “The 12th Planet” by the renowned author, Zecharia Sitchin.

Biblical Reference of Nibiru

The planet Nibiru has been frequently associated with the term Heaven, as used in the Bible. This little detail is of particular importance when re-examining religious prayers such as “Our father who art in heaven”, which provides us with a whole new perspective on who this father is and what heaven truly refers to. 

Hence, we find the correlation between many Biblical prayers and its origination from Anu’s children who ruled the earth as Gods.

According to Sitchin, the reason for Anunnaki’s departure from their home planet to earth is because of its location, which lies beyond Pluto and is entrapped in a 3,600 year long retrograde elliptical orbit around the center of our galaxy, the sun.

Nibiru’s location is dictated by Sumerian maps, which was consolidated when Dr. Harrington discovered a large planet and conveyed his discovery in reports from the 1983 IRAS Naval Observatory. 

The planet was found in the same region dictated by Sumerian accounts. Meaning, the planet that is home to the Anunnaki is real and inbound to perihelion, a point in orbit that is closest to the sun, around 1,400 years from now.

There are many dwarf planetary bodies that we do not consider as planets due to their size. They do not receive the necessary solar radiation to maintain habitable surface temperatures. 

Because of this, life on this alien planet could only be sustained artificially, through technology that is unknown to us, or some other natural phenomena, such as steam that is released from geothermal heat.

According to Sitchin’s research and translations on the history time line, around 450,000 years ago, Nibiru’s environment was reaching extinction levels, especially when it was nearest to the sun. 

The need to look for another habitable planet, led the leaders of the planet to travel inwards, where they found Earth, which was not only the perfect environment for life but also rich in many resources such as Gold. 

Due to the superior technology possessed by the Anunnaki, they could use our planet's gold reserves in an attempt to save their own civilization, by dispersing ionized particles of gold dust into their planet’s atmosphere. 

As a result, Anu and his two sons, Enlil and Enki, came to our planet to mine for gold. Anu put Enki in charge of Earth's excavation operations.

However, due to Niburian inheritance laws, the elder son is the rightful heir to the throne. Enlil was the eldest son of Anu and Anu’s sister (hence of royal blood), whereas, Enki, was the younger son of a non royal mother. 

Anu's decision to put Enki in charge of Earth's mining operations, resulted in a fierce rivalry between the two brothers.

Once the Anunnaki arrived on Earth, Anu divided and assigned various locations for mining operations. Enki was assigned Africa, Enlil was in charge of Mesopotamia, and Inanna, his granddaughter, was responsible for the Indus Valley region. 

All of this was finalized in 3760 BCE, hence, the significance of the date.

The labor was conducted by subservient workers, known as Igigi or the Watchers. These workers worked hard under slave-like conditions for some time but, overtime grew disillusioned by the perpetuity of their situation and revolted against the Anunnaki. 

In order to acquire labor, the Anunnaki resorted to genetic engineering, which resulted in a new species and a primitive worker, the Homo-sapiens.

Humans Are Free

Did Paranormal Hunters Finally 'Proved Ghosts Exist'

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Did Paranormal Hunters Finally 'Proved Ghosts Exist'

Spook chasers Jodie Carman and Chris Hunter claim "the figure's head and shoulders can clearly be made out in seats a few rows in front of her" and appeared after a series of unexplainable bumps and noises, while they were still, and a woman apparently being possessed.

The pair, who are refusing to identify the building in Norwich, said they were so stunned at seeing the "apparition" at the time, they shone a torch, but the chair was empty.

They insist that no one else was in the old community venue at the time the photo was taken.

Full time mum-of-one Ms Carman, 34, claims the photo was taken not long after midnight in the old community centre in Norwich that the spirit hunters are allowed to use.

Ms Carman said: "We knew there was something there with us that night, we could hear it moving around the hall around us. 

"But this photo definitely proves it there is no way that you can deny it as the shape is very clear.

"When everyone saw it they were at first stunned into silence as everyone had seen me take the picture and knew there was no one in front of me. 

"Once people calmed down they were just amazed and everyone started treating the hunt a lot more seriously as they realised we had caught some very clear evidence.

"There are lots of pictures that appear of ghosts, many of debatable quality but I think a photo like this is exceptionally rare, to get a clear shot, with nobody near it, completely untampered with. 

"It's quite incredible and I've never seen anything like this before." 

Ms Carman was with a group of friends known as the Norfolk Ghost Hunters who go across the UK and have ghost hunts on most weekends. 

Mr Hunter, who runs the paranormal group, said the photo was taken on July 18.

He said he is sworn to secrecy about the location by the owner as it is still used for children's events and there are fears news of "the haunting" could scare off families.

Mr Hunter, a poultry farmer by day, said: "The church is situated on a mass grave where they dumped bodies of plague victims and bones have been known to surface when it rains.

"It's a very creepy building and there was a lot of activity on the night the picture was taken. 

"The bathroom itself is believed to have four bodies lurking below it where hanging victims were buried.

"On the night when members of our group entered the bathroom they felt a strong presence that disturbed one woman so badly she almost fainted and then became hysterical and had to be calmed down.

"But to get some photographic evidence of some of the things we have seen is fantastic. 

it looks like someone in the chair and I have not seen many pictures capture anything quite like this. 

"It is very impressive and one of the best examples of an 'apparition' or 'entity' caught on camera that I have ever seen." 

Ms Carman added: "I believe it was a person once from this world who for some reason has become stuck here. Maybe they like that chair and that venue. No one knows, but the camera definitely captured something on it."

By Jon Austin,  EXPRESS

SIX Giant Asteroids Are Coming Our Way As Some Insist World Will End In The Coming Days Ahead

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SIX Giant Asteroids Are Coming Our Way As Some Insist World Will End In The Coming Days Ahead

The asteroid called 2012 TT5 is due to pass September 24 at 5.1million miles away 

Wild predictions being made online claim a space rock up to 2.5miles wide will strike Puerto Rico.

Dates range from September 21 to the end, but most are homing in on between September 23 or 24 due to a range of Bible codes, so-called prophecies, and alleged other predictions.

However, the Blood Moon Prophecy, says the end is nigh on September 28 as that coincides with the last of four 'blood moons' (total eclipses followed with six full moons in between) over the past 18 months. 

self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efraid Rodriguez, who says he wrote to Nasa warning of the strike after receiving a message from God.

He claims he saw a vision of it "entering the airspace of the town of Arecibo in Puerto Rico, striking the sea between the island of Mona and Mayagüez and triggering a magnitude 12 earthquake. 

The latest online doomsday prophecies have been read by so many people that NASA was forced to issue a statement, that it reiterated this week, saying the chances of an impact around that time or within the next few hundred years were next to zero.

Our investigation can exclusively reveal there are SIX so-called "close approaches" of "near Earth" asteroids due to pass within a cosmic fraction of the planet within the doommongers' seven-day predicted timescale.

Scientists predict it would take an impact from an asteroid of 1km (0.6miles) in length and upwards to actually kill off most life on the planet.

But something as small as 50 metres could destroy all of London out to the M25 boundary, and a space rock of 100metres long or more could devastate a continent, causing mass destruction and tsunamis.

How big are these six?

Of the six due to pass, those on September 23, 27 and 28, are estimated as being up to 57, 39, and 31-metres-long respectively.

In June 1908 the Tunguska asteroid exploded in the atmosphere above Siberia and is the most recent major one in world history.

It saw a 50-metre lump of extraterrestrial rock rain down, flattening around 80million trees, sending a shock wave across Russia measuring five on the Richter scale.

We found the biggest rocks set to pass are on September 22 and 24.

On the 22 two asteroids are expected to whistle past - one of up to 190 metres long - the length of eight train carriages - and another cruise ship-sized space rock of about 280 metres long.

Two days later another whopping 270metre asteroid will pass us.

How far away are they?

NASA monitors massive asteroids that pass by several million miles from Earth and smaller ones at up to about 7m miles.

It seems far, but put into context the moon is 238,800 miles from us and our closes planet is Venus at 25m miles away, so the "near Earth asteroids" pass closer to the moon than other planets, and their orbits vary.

The furthest pass of the largest three is on September 22, when the 280-metre asteroid is expected to whistle past at a relatively safe 14.7m miles from us, while the 270metre one on September 24, is a much closer 5.1m miles.

In fact, this space rock is the closest of all six objects due to pass over these days.

How certain is Nasa about its path?

NASA gives each asteroid a "condition code" from zero to nine of how certain it is about the predicted orbital path it gives.

A zero means there is "good certainty" about it, while nine means it is highly uncertain, with numbers in between on a sliding scale.

Only one of the six scored a zero - fortunately the biggest 280 metres one passing on September 22.

All the others scored from five or higher, meaning Nasa has a mid-way certainty on their orbital path or quite high uncertainty in two cases which scored six and seven respectively.

The most uncertain pass is the 57-metre rock on September 23, which has a condition code of seven - but hopefully its estimated 18.5m mile flyby and relative small size gives much room for manoeuvre.

More concerning is the cruise-ship-sized rock, the closest, and second largest object, due for September 24, which scored six.

NASA has two categories within the near-Earth objects, including those which potentially pose a risk.

Rocks are considered a "potentially hazardous asteroid" (PHA) if they are within 4.6m miles of Earthand at least 100 metres across.

NASA says a rock of such size hitting us is "big enough to cause regional devastation to human settlements unprecedented in human history in the case of a land impact, or a major tsunami in the case of an ocean impact."

They added: "Such impact events occur on average around once per 10,000 years."

So the "cruise ship" - known as asteroid 2012 TT5 - is almost three times the size of the smallest PHA, but its 5.1million miles estimated pass puts it a cosmic cats whisper of 500,000 miles over the PAH zone.

With the level of uncertainty surrounding its orbit, it could theoretically come within the PAH boundary.

There is also the NASA admission that it only knows the whereabouts of two per cent of the estimated 800,000 plus asteroids circling close to us, so hypothetically, an object we have no knowledge of could be on course right now.

In late 2013, Russia was unfortunate again, when a 20-metre long meteor came from nowhere and unexpectedly exploded above Chelyabinsk in Russia, injuring 1,500 people and damaging around 7,000 buildings.

2012 TT5 is due to pass at 5.1million miles just outside the potentially hazardous zone, but Nasa ad

So should we be worried and does that mean modern-day Nostradamuses are wrong?

Nasa insists the doommongers are wrong, although a rock of 2012 TT5's size will certainly be tracked to ensure it does not deviate from the projected orbit.

Nasa, and many scientists, still say we need not be worried.

It said in a statement: "NASA knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth, so the probability of a major collision is quite small."In fact, as best as we can tell, no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years.


By Jon Austin,The Express