Mugshots From The Victorian Era Have A Heartbreaking Solemnity You Rarely See Now

♠ Posted by Unknown in ,,,, at 11:43 PM
When you think of mugshots, you probably think of pictures like these. While they might funny to look at, there is real pain and regret in the faces of those people, and it's often difficult to see. Maybe it's because we as a society as so desensitized to the idea of modern crime and its perpetrators.
Recently, an archive of vintage mugshots was discovered by Tyne & Wear Archives in Newcastle, England. The images were taken during northern England's industrial boom of the early 1900s. When looking at the poor souls in these photos from years ago, it's somehow easier to see the pain in their eyes. Their faces contain the weighty knowledge that they've done something they can't take back.

1. Robert Jack. Arrested for false pretenses.

2. James Wilson. Arrested for unknown reasons.

3. Jerome Guerrini. Arrested for murder.

4. Charles Cunningham. Arrested for indecent exposure.

5. John Gumis. Arrested for larceny.

6. William Wilson. Arrested for larceny.

7. Robert Hall. Arrested for larceny.

8. Jane Forbes. Arrested for larceny.

9. William Cunningham. Arrested for larceny.

10. George Wilson. Arrested for larceny.

11. Thomas Appleton. Arrested for larceny.

12. William Sayers. Arrested for larceny.

13. Thomas Wallace. Arrested for indecent exposure.

14. Nora Jane McCartney. Arrested for larceny.

(via: Chronicle Live)
I hope the justice system worked in these convicts' favor and they were punished accordingly for their crimes. I know many of them likely deserved their sentences, but that shouldn't stop your sympathy for them as fellow human beings.
You can find the full photo archive from Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums on Flickr.


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