If You Think This Picture Just Looks Weird, You Actually Have No Idea...

♠ Posted by Unknown in ,, at 4:15 AM
Photographer and filmmaker Suszanne Heintz was tired of friends and family asking her when someone was going to put a ring on it. She decided to combat their nagging with art, and craftily began sending her family annual greeting cards in which she poses serenely alongside her husband and daughter — both of whom are mannequins.
The joke became an off-and-on project — shot over an astounding 14-year period — called Life Once Removed. It's a satirical take on antiquated notions of what "success" means for women, which always seem to involve being a wife and a mother.
This hilarious series proves that in 2015, a woman can be perfectly happy being married to her work.

What a happy couple!

I love how he always keeps his hands up there. It's like he's holding an invisible pie.

Out with the fam.

Buddy, you gotta get a bigger towel...

Don't talk to Suzanne until she's had her fruit!

A gentleman always carries an umbrella.

You can tell they're in love by how he sensually strokes her breakfast.

Nothing like an Easter egg hunt with Mom!

This family IS America.

Suzanne's daughter is looking very studious here.

Family is the best medicine.

A trio of snow angels.

Flashback to the proposal! Vest is on point there, guy. She couldn't resist that argyle.

Looks like Dad is a little bit afraid of heights.

Seriously, his face looks like he's very close to choking Suzanne at any given time.

Suzanne would like to make it abundantly clear that she's an artist and not a crazy person living with mannequins. "I'm simply trying to get people to open up their minds," she says, "and quit clinging to outdated assumptions of what a successful life looks like."
If you'd like to learn more about Suzanne Heintz and her upcoming projects, check out her websites for photography and film. You can also find her on Twitter, Vimeo, and Facebook.


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